Shirley Molder
Co-opted Governor
I was co-opted as a governor in 2022 and I am really enjoying the experience. I am the nominated governor for RE , a subject which is of particular interest to me.
I lived in Walmer Bridge for fifty years and both my children attended Little Hoole School in the 1980’s. I moved to Longton just over two years ago but still maintain links to Little Hoole.
Although I do not have a background in education, I do have three grandchildren who attend a primary school in Leeds and so have some knowledge of the curriculum and the current education system.
I currently visit Little Hoole School on a weekly basis to hear some of the children read. I find this most enjoyable and hope the children do too!
My hobbies are amateur dramatics and of course, reading!
I am looking forward to being part of the continuing success of the school.
Shirley Molder - December 2023